Takže sem dávám všemožnou směs fotek z léta a podzimu, které jsem sem chtěla dát a pak jsem je sem nedala (jako většinu věcí, co jsem rozpracovala). Ale dělají mi radost.
I am trying to take more photos but I have no inspiration. And when I got some inspiration I am not able to turn it into a real photo or it doesn´t fit the image I have in my head. And so I just sit there with half-done photo and I don´t know what to do. So I take photos of whatever I want to. People don´t want to pose for me so I just take photos of the nature or the animals (or the animals in the nature). Or sometimes I take some photos during the trips for which I am gratelful now, I should do it more. Now, when I look at those photos I remember every little detail that is bounded with the moment. I am happy that I could live those moments.
So I am posting here some various photos from summer and autumn which were supposed to be posted here but then I forgot about it. But they make me happy anyway.
Tady bydlí Pánbůh/ Here lives the Lord
Petr hladí huskyho/ Petr pets the husky dog
Napětí před startem/ A tension before the start
Cesta do králičí nory/ Path to the rabbit hole
Odpočinek ve skleníku/ A rest in the greenhouse
Stoprvní lavička/ One hunred and first bench
Prostě mám pro lišky slabost/ There is simply something about the foxes
Dům, kde bydlí paní Tma/ Where Mrs. Darkness lives
Soví drobnosti/ Owl´s little something
Už ti někdo řekl, že je podzim?/ Has someone told you it is already autumn?
Záchvěv chvění/ The quiver of trembling
Až budu mít vlasy jako pavučinu/ When my hair looks like a spider web
První rulík, který jsem kdy viděla / The first nightshade I have ever seen
The Sundance
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