Since last year´s resolutions were such a big success. I fullfilled most of them. I would like to make some more this year. Even the small ones. I need some goal to reach. And this year there are going to be many things and experiences I have to manage!
1.) Nebát se zapojovat do debat o nepříjemných tématech. Nebrblat si svoje názory pod vousy a říct je všem nahlas, i když to bude znamenat nadávky a nepříjemnosti.
Not to be scared to participate in unpleasant discussions. Don´t keep my oppinions for myself and tell them aloud even thought it would mean troubles.
Not to be scared to participate in unpleasant discussions. Don´t keep my oppinions for myself and tell them aloud even thought it would mean troubles.
2.) Nechat si udělat tetování.
To get a tattoo.
3.) Už opravdu zhubnout a žít zdravěji!
I have to lose some weight and live a healthlier life!
I have to lose some weight and live a healthlier life!
4.) Udělat vlastní domácí pečený čaj.
To make my own home made "baked tea".
To make my own home made "baked tea".
5.) Změnit image. Alespoň trošku.
To change my image. At least a little.
To change my image. At least a little.
6.) Naučit se letos alespoň 600 znaků kanji.
To learn at least 600 kanji signs.
To learn at least 600 kanji signs.
7.) Splnit všechny předměty ve škole.
To pass all exams at school.
To pass all exams at school.
8.)Neupadat tak snadno do depresí. A když do nich náhodou upadnu, tak jimi neubližovat ostatním.
Not to get depressed so easily. And when I get depressed I want to not to hurt anyone.
Not to get depressed so easily. And when I get depressed I want to not to hurt anyone.
9.) Spát v Japonsku pod širákem. (Nebo spíš kdekoliv)
To sleep under the stars in Japan (or anywhere else).
10.) A vlastně v tom Japonsku přežít, neztratit se, užít si to tam a přijít na to, kam v životě směřuju.
Well, survive in Japan would be great! Not to get lost, enjoy it and find out where I am heading in my life.
Well, survive in Japan would be great! Not to get lost, enjoy it and find out where I am heading in my life.
11.) Opravdu pomoci alespoň jednomu člověku.
To truly help someone.
To truly help someone.
12.) Najít pochopení a toleranci i pro "hloupé" a "nenávistné" názory. Pokud chci, aby někdo našel pochopení pro mě, musím já najít pochopení pro něj.
To be understanding of "stupid" od "hateful" oppinins. If I want the others to understand me, I have to understand them as well.
To be understanding of "stupid" od "hateful" oppinins. If I want the others to understand me, I have to understand them as well.
13.) Konečně začít pracovat na knize nebo komixu (nejlépe to obojí spojit).
Finally begin to work at my book or comic (or at fusion of those two).
Finally begin to work at my book or comic (or at fusion of those two).
14.) Udělat alespoň jeden cosplay.
To make at least one cosplay.
15.) Udělat nějakou fakt bombovou fotku!
To take a breathtaking photo!
16.) Poslat víc pohledů, dopisů a balíčků
To send more postcards, letters and packages.
17.) Smát se víc a rozesmívat ostatní.
To laug more and to make others laugh.
18.) Udělat Petra šťastným.
To make Petr happy.
19.) Udělat Ferdu šťastným
To make Ferda happy.
20.) Žít šťastně.
To live happily.